Half a century of following Arsenal. The joy, and the hurt. There is nothing else quite like it is there? Thanks for joining me, however briefly.
This blog is now in its second incarnation, and for that I thank Darren for pushing me to broaden my horizons, Greg for his graphics skills, Snail for the appropriate favicon, and my fellow bloggers for the links that initially boosted my readership. Nowadays I am also grateful to Arthur the Gooner for the Android app. Thank you.
It is not intended to develop into a full-blown bells and whistles site with features and forums at the press of every key. There are people around with the time and inclination to do those things far more professionally than I, and you’ll find links to them in the sidebar on the home page.
It is however the take of a long-standing gooner on what’s happening in and around the club we love. If you enjoy it, then pop back now and again. It will never be a long read. If you don’t enjoy it let me know, and come back from time to time to see if you have converted me. Your suggestions can only help.
I have disabled comments moderation on this version so feel free to leave your views. If they do not appear immediately it will be because my spam filter has been adjusted to be aggressive! I’ll soon get you on-line. Of course ‘comments’ is no longer a recognised term in this place. Thanks KT for the wonderfully apt ‘drinks’. All are welcome at the bar.
If you have a small budget unspent, or prizes I can share with the readers then please contact me to discuss the opportunities.
To contact me by email just send to goonerholic@ (remove this)virginmedia.com
If you just want to offer a sponsored post please save your time and mine.
Thank you.