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Archive for the 'match review' Category

“See that man on the wall. He is why you are named Patrick.” It is pre-match, and Dr C is showing his young son around the Arsenal for the first time. I feel privileged to be a part of that day. It’s an emotional one for all sorts of reasons. The Hillsborough 96 were commemorated […]

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Again I owe a huge thank you to one of ours. Bathgooner, as some of you know, is great company on a matchday, but he has also been hiding his creative skills from you, until today. Thank you so much, bath, for helping me out of a hole this morning. Here is his take on […]

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Big thanks to the first of two guest posters today. Regulars will know Arthur the Gooner wears his Arsenal heart very much on his sleeve, and I am very grateful to him for contributing on this bleary-eyed morning. Enjoy, all, and thanks again Arthur. I’m no blogger, just someone who looks after the team and […]

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Grateful thanks to Takeabowson for stepping into the breach at short notice, particularly as it dawned on him he might be commenting on a proper hiding. Fortunately that didn’t transpire. Thanks TaBS for helping out again. “Bit busy tomorrow mate. Do you fancy writing this one up?” asked the Guvnor over the pre-match pints. Rueful […]

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At the final whistle I tweeted the line from Fever Pitch that is probably more applicable today than it was back in 1989. No, bollocks to probably. That is a superfluous word. “After a while, it all gets mixed up in your head, and you can’t remember whether life’s shit because Arsenal are shit or […]

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Where to start? Having taken time out to let the immediate reaction subside I guess the first thing is to hold our hands up and accept we got well and truly humbled on a very big day. We spoke beforehand about the possible recall of Mathieu Flamini to ‘fight for every scrap of possession in […]

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Well, what can one say about that? The strangest of derby days for this old boy. In need of some thinking time I made for a park in town and felt completely calm ahead of a fixture that usually gnaws away at the stomach. I used to love going to the Lane in the days […]

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So for a second year running we achieved a better result in Munich than at home, but again it was not enough to get past a side widely regarded as the best in the game right now. Given that we were missing Wojciech Szczesny, Kieran Gibbs, Jack Wilshere, Aaron Ramsey, and Theo Walcott, among others, […]

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There is something about pre-match refreshments in the spring sunshine. The talk was of team selection with some wonderful cricketing memories thrown in for good measure. Twitter revealed the team news. Lukasz Fabianski and Yaya Sanogo in, but a strong looking eleven it was. The feelgood factor was raised further just seven minutes in when […]

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No Heart, No Points

An evening spent in the company of Ken Sansom raised the spirits, but with the arrival of morning the full horror of yesterday’s result once again haunts. The first defeat of the season to a team not directly in competition with us for the Premier League has taken away that hope that we could nick […]

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