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Archive for the 'match review' Category

There are a number of ways of looking at Arsenal’s final friendly before the season starts in earnest. As with so many of our recent matches we have an eye-witness account, with thanks to Lars… “Helsinki’s an expensive shithole with not one decent pub anywhere that we could find and the stadium was a prehistoric […]

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Huge thanks to our very own Takeabowson for stepping into the breach while I am in some sort of a communications blackspot. Still I haven’t seen the game so his report tells me all I need to know. Thanks TaBS. So it was only the Emirates Cup right? Right. It is a competition whose format […]

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Apologies to my Twitter followers who have just had to suffer that headline for the second time today. Football returned to the Grove this afternoon and the fact that it was a pre-season friendly didn’t detract from the extremity of the views being expressed as the game unfolded. For the first time I swerved the […]

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A first for Goonerholic. I am indebted to one of ours, Cannons of Rhetoric, for an account of his day at the match against Urawa Reds yesterday. It is as comrehensive as we could have wished for. I feel like we were there. Thanks to CoR for staying up until 2am getting it in perfect […]

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Good Evening, Vietnam

Attempts to hook up to the game in real time failed in a sweltering office. I followed the game on Twitter and have just watched it on Arsenal Player. As in Indonesia we racked up seven goals against a developing opponent. At least Vietnam had the consolation of a late response. The result tells us […]

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What a week that has been. A rare spell of astonishingly good weather has kept me out of an abode that suffers the double whammy of smelling of fresh paint and being unbearably hot. Not that I am complaining, you understand. Spending the weekend in the garden with gallons of various thirst-quenchers and chucking lumps […]

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Getting the tone of the piece is extremely difficult when results go against us. I am only just realising it is just as hard when things have gone gloriously, deliciously right. An hour of juvenile baiting of the neighbours on Twitter is all well and good (and huge fun too), but then that nervous energy […]

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It’s half past ten on a school night. With a tumbler of Scotland’s finest I am chilling, the blood pressure is returning to what passes for normal in this ever more frail frame. I have been witnessing end of season games with some meaning for more years than I would care to admit. Most of […]

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A family birthday dictated a strange two part viewing of the action from Loftus Road. I was in real time for the opening half and then had to wait some four hours to watch the second. It is evident now that watching the second half knowing the outcome was a lot less stressful than viewing […]

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More than twenty four hours after the event I can finally write what was impossible last night. A handful of you were, if not entirely responsible, significant contributors to my inability to focus on returning home from the match yesterday. It was a long day, and almost perfect, from brunch at Piebury Corner to the […]

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