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Archive for the 'match review' Category

I’ve had worse days. Regulars know I have a stake in Stirling Albion as a result of maternal influence. Who says you make no money out of football. Today I recovered my investment in the club and then some after they beat a little club from Glasgow. That set up the evening’s entertainment perfectly. At […]

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After all the talk at the weekend of the difference between watching on a small screen and actually being in the stadium, I spent large parts of this game imagining being in my seat. At half-time I was sensing the reaction of some. I wondered if Steve Bould was being urged to get his cheque […]

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Judge us after we have played City and Chelsea. Not only I suggested that. Those two matches are now out of the way and we can be forgiven for feeling this morning that we may not be as close to the finished article as we had hoped. Both matches were dominated by the visiting midfield. […]

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A bloggers nightmare. No ticket, no stream. Unexpectedly a mixture of Arsenal Player, Twitter, and live text commentary on the BBC provides an amusing impression, accurate or otherwise. So, chronologically, the ‘virtual’ highlights for me included the following. I should also point out that for the first half an hour I was completing a very […]

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A strange day for all kinds of reasons. I have to say from the hotel where I was imprisoned by foul weather that news of the skipper’s absence was not well received. That was nothing to do with the quality of his replacement, our best defender last season, but more the scramble to repunt the […]

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So the plan is, if you are going to get involved in a game of two halves, be the team that bosses the second half to avoid any questions being asked of you afterwards. In that respect Montpellier will be pleased with their Champions League bow. Lest we forget those of us who punted on […]

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By now you will probably have caught at least the highlights of what was a devastating performance against a side of as yet unknown ability. If you are an Arsenal member I would take the opportunity to watch at very least the first half of the match in it’s entirety. That is what I intend […]

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I have endured the immediate aftermath of both tortuous defeats and comprehensive triumphs down the years. Just a year ago we shipped eight goals in our third Premiership fixture. The feelings are extreme, and need to be brought under control a little before reviewing what has just happened. Apologies if my gut-feel tweets irk at […]

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Home and television to myself, I settled down for an afternoon of what I was sure would involve screaming abuse at all and sundry in the Britannia Stadium. Ninety minutes later I was surprised to find the blood pressure under control, and voice intact. Rarely have we controlled the home side as effectively as we […]

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Let’s start at the end, shall we. It was debut day for all manner of people yesterday. Santi Cazorla, Lukas Podolski, Olivier Giroud, and me. Yes, that’s right, me. I made my debut in the post-match presser. Alright, only as an observer rather than a participant, although I suspect I might have found something a […]

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