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Archive for the 'match review' Category

Four unanswered goals against a team relegated from the Bundesliga last season isn’t a new dawn in itself. We will face much stiffer tests over the coming nine months. The evidence of the workout in Cologne, however, is that we are looking much better equipped for those challenges than we were twelve months ago. The […]

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The Asian Tour came to a close in the most spectacular of settings at the Hong Kong national stadium as Arsenal played out a 2-2 draw with hosts Kitchee. There was a relaxed air about the contest, too relaxed at times some might say, but as was evident when close-ups were shown the humidity necessitated […]

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Being a most disorganised sort the demands of the nine to five prevented me from witnessing the opening match of the tour. Therefore, for the second consecutive post, may I welcome you to TaBS week on Goonerholic. I am seriously grateful to Take a Bow Son for stepping into the breach and saving me a […]

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I was trying to remember the last time Arsenal played a game that could not be found on television (or a stream) ‘as live’. I seem to have a distant recall of a Carling Cup tie against a lower league club that was shown on the official club channel just after midnight, but other than […]

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And so the season ended as it had progressed. The side that has reached the extremes of performance both good and bad gave us one more afternoon of unbelievable tension. Would you have it any other way? Well given the choice I would have to say yes. My old ticker isn’t getting any younger, and […]

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The look of resignation on so many faces at the final whistle was there for all to see. Little reaction, some half-hearted booing, but generally utterances of having seen it all before. Under different circumstances the six goal thriller might not have provoked the backlash that will surely come from some quarters. However, a tense […]

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I thought I would wait just a little longer than usual in order to gauge the reaction online. Of course there are a few grumbles before people have had time to take stock of what happened this afternoon, but generally supporters have been appreciative of the effort put in by Arsenal at Stoke. That was […]

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Lazy Sunny Afternoon

The weather forecast over-estimated the likelihood and timing of showers. A relaxing pre-match tincture, followed by a gentle stroll to the ground, and I joined the throng basking in the sunshine at the Grove. A very special pre-match snack lulled me even deeper into the relaxed mood all around. The crowd were mellow, neither too […]

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That, my friends, is why we turn up to football week in and week out in large numbers. In this League anybody can beat anybody, and the most unlikely games can stir the emotions. In the preview I highlighted Wigan’s recent form, and called the tight game. Given the circumstances it is not surprising that […]

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A night of lessons we have just witnessed. I am assuming that most of you found working streams. I have to confess my surprise and delight at finding a couple that survived without any major buffering. I suppose every view of the game should contain words to the effect that effectively the game was over […]

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