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Archive for the 'match review' Category

It’s been a good night. It started well enough, with the discovery that Jameson is on special offer at my local supermarket. Very tasty it is right now too. I have to confess to feeling a tad apprehensive when I saw that Henderson was in for Arshavin. I needn’t have worried. The nuts and bolts […]

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Quite a back catalogue we have, as I highlighted in the preview. There is a common theme that runs through the aftermath of such a painful defeat. In 1969, defeat to third division Swindon owed much to a horrendous mix-up between a gangly centre-half and a goalkeeper not long established in the side. The ‘keeper […]

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The pointed end of the season. How any times have we seen it? A dour and determined opponent, the well-oiled machine maybe firing on only three cylinders, all adding up to ninety minutes of nail-biting tension. A mood not helped by the loss of two of the key components of that smooth red and white […]

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Anybody who thinks the FA Cup has lost any of its magic, there’s your answer. Anybody who wants to understand what it means to the rich and poor of the football world had that insight this afternoon at Brisbane Road. If you have come to hear me say something like “I told you so” about […]

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It doesn’t get much better than that. I’m home, smiling inwardly, sipping some particularly pleasant malt. On the train home I have relived the game in my head, and now I’m looking forward to the highlights on ATvO. The whole day has been a blast, from the 2.30 train up and a chat with Darren, […]

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I’m looking at my ticket, wondering what to write about this match that hasn’t already been said. This is one end of the spectrum, one reason why football grabs every part of you. It is not just us going through every possible emotion, and seriously considering every possible outcome to this tie. It is what […]

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Jack You Beauty

There are days where everything just falls into place. Things are just right. This was one of those days. My early morning coffee at the station is free. The train is packed, and I get an upgrade to first-class, free. I meet stepson, grandson, and mate and when I go to get them tube tickets […]

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It takes a combination of things for anybody to surrender a four goal advantage at any level. First up we have to accept that we were as spectacularly bad in the second-half as we were impressive in the first. The collective loss of concentration (dare I say mental strength) and application was just unforgivable. At […]

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I don’t mind a drop of Newcastle Brown Ale, so tomorrow I’ll be washing the half pint glass, buying a case of the bottles with the blue star on, and bunkering down in front of a stream. The atmosphere won’t be the same, but I should get a closer look at the game than those […]

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You will find the carefully judged words of the professionals elsewhere. Here it is just the outpouring of emotions that we all went through tonight. I thank my God, and yours, that I didn’t get a ticket. I was nearly cardiac here, and would surely have had a seizure if I was close to Lee […]

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