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Archive for the 'match review' Category

We’ve seen it before. The visitors, dismissed as cannon fodder ahead of the contest, having the temerity to raise their game against The Arsenal. It may not have been pretty, but banks of four and five worked overtime to frustrate, and frustrate they did. I know I am not alone in berating sides that come […]

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The temptation to eulogise is strong. Feet need to be firmly planted, however. This was our second best against Newcastle’s second best. The breathtaking start we made owed much to vision, quick passing, and guile. Readers of the pre-match drinks will know I was almost in orbit when Carlos Vela was presented with the first […]

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What do you expect for free? Shakespeare? The roast dinner has just tasted particularly good after an aperitif rich in spirit and substance. Ninety minutes that held the attention from beginning to end have resulted in the three points from a title rival that Arsenal desperately needed. Full marks too to the other two parties […]

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Did I watch a different first-half to Andy Gray and the Sky pundits? Presumably, being a cautious and nervous old soul I did. I try to give an impression, rather than a match report, and tonight my opinion of the opening forty-five minutes varied wildly from those who are paid a fortune for the benefit […]

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You can probably tell what sort of day I had from the fact that I arrived home last night just in time to watch Match of the Day, and promptly slipped into a lovely ‘power nap’! Hence by now you will all be familiar with the details of the contest, and have seen the replays […]

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The morning starts well. The trains are running on time, so I hit the Broadway early and find a continental cafe. Well this is West London! A coffee and brandy under an umbrella in the rain. Only the English… At twelve it is on to Bodeans BBQ where large portions of pig are washed down […]

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I have to be honest, I had said beforehand that the performance was more important than the result. We got both in my opinion, but a difficult game could have gone either way until Marouane Chamakh dragged the Gunners over the line with sheer bloody-mindedness. The packed and noisy Partizan Stadium was more than one […]

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Two Premiership contests either side of a victory by the shadow squad at Tottenham must be a huge concern to Arsene Wenger. Arsenal followed up last weekend’s cruel draw at Sunderland with a home defeat in an abject performance at home to West Brom. I should at the outset, however, give credit where it is […]

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All 4-1 and 1-4 Arsenal

OK, there is a danger of going overboard here. Let’s not go quite as far as our Lilyw41te chums who claimed they had beaten the greatest Arsenal side of all time when turning over the kids two years ago, just a year after being humiliated by an even younger bunch. This was their shadow squad […]

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I haven’t slept since about half past two this morning. Don’t ask me why, it is just one of those things that happens every now and again. A freak, unfortunate occurrence. For some reason those freak, unfortunate occurrences have followed me around all day. Let’s take the goal by which Arsenal took the lead at […]

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