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Archive for the 'match review' Category

Drink Up The Cider!

Well, when in Somerset, how else to celebrate? I have just, having managed to avoid all mention of the match, caught up with the events of last night courtesy of ATVo. Thank you Arsenal. You will all have seen it long before I, so the details of who scored when and how I don’t have […]

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I take a chance on finding a Mac friendly stream, and thankfully find a couple, but with the sound muted so we miss the atmosphere and commentary. It is an interesting way of watching proceedings and I have done it before and come out of the game with very different opinions to those who were […]

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The difference between the makeshift eleven who lost at Blackburn in May, and the side that travelled to Ewood today, was greater than just the seven different faces in the starting line-up. It was also the mindset of those who battled through an opening 45 minutes that could have gone either way before imposing their […]

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Nearly midnight. Long day, but a good one. “You aren’t going to write your load of bollocks now, are you?” I can tell the love of my life has secretly missed me! I’ve missed her too, but have to say it was really good to meet up once again with a whole bunch of Gooners […]

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Blimey, where do you start. I can’t remember the last time I watched a game where we scored an important late goal and my blood was still boiling. Welcome back the emotional roller-coaster that is Premier League football. I should of course start with the positives, having pleaded on Twitter with someone else to do […]

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There is no doubt that if you want to see goals this coming season, then Arsenal will definitely be the club to follow. I would normally be the first to caution against over-reacting to the five goals conceded today, but I do have a couple of genuine concerns. One, nobody will be surprised to hear, […]

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Day one at the Grove. A real mixed bag, no matter which team you were following. The two games shared something of a common theme. A dominant team established an advantage, but didn’t kill the game off and paid the penalty when the substitutions kicked in and equalisers were surrendered tamely. As far as Arsenal […]

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On the day Arsenal played the final game of their Austrian training camp, the most significant news was possibly breaking in the north-east of England. Sol Campbell’s potential move to Newcastle has yet to be confirmed at the time of writing, but if and when it happens Arsenal will most definitely be considered short for […]

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Have Samir That!

You would imagine that those who missed out on the disastrous French world cup campaign would have been somewhat grateful. I have to say Samir Nasri still looked more than a little angry about that this evening, and Arsenal may reap the rewards as a result. As a pre-season warm-up fixture unfolded gently it was […]

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I had a plan, did I not, that I shared with you on Friday. I have to start by thanking Transport for London for making my journey from Paddington to Barnet a tortuous affair that involved heading south to Charing Cross before being able to travel in the correct direction. Despite their best efforts I […]

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