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Archive for the 'match review' Category

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

So that is that for another season. Despite the best efforts of Transport for London I arrived at Holloway Road just after twelve and took a cursory look in the club shop for the end of season sale bargains. Sadly, they were well-hidden. Unusually for an end-of-season game the pre-match refreshments were partaken in a […]

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Perhaps the lazy bastards should think again? The month from hell rumbles on. For the sake of balance one clutches at crumbling straws. Was Martin Atkinson poor today? Yes, but when the best referees in the land are incompetent you can’t rely on anybody as far down the pecking order as that man to get […]

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Old Friends And New

When the old man started taking me to Arsenal all those years ago I don’t think he could have imagined in his wildest dreams what he started. I doubt very much he could have predicted that one day I would be sitting in the old Caledonian market watching a bunch of strange individuals from around […]

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You know me ‘holics. I don’t like to be overly critical, so I think I will leave this one to you. These are ‘holics, who have backed Arsene and Arsenal through eight roller coaster months and enjoyed the ride, until today. That was unacceptable in every way, shape, or form. Please God, that lack of […]

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Growing up in the sixties might not be seen as the ideal time to be immersed in the red gene. Tottenham opened the decade with a double, and newspapers, the information highway of the day, waxed lyrically about their style of football. That continued through much of the remainder of the century, although Arsenal took […]

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Now you know what it is like to be a Bolton/Hull/Stoke/Wolves fan. You’ve just seen a team a class apart from what we were able to put on the pitch knock it about for fun, treat the ball as though they owned it. When we got hold of it the period of the loan was […]

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The early game doesn’t produce the result we want, but the unexpected sunshine at the Grove lifts the spirits, and a lively start by the Gunners bodes well. It is just a matter of time before Wolves fall apart, isn’t it? Why then am I getting irritated? I’m watching from the family enclosure with a […]

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Quarter to three. Holloway Road is cold and grey. I’ve made it though, and nothing can keep me from the game now. A quick burger for lunch and in the pub to quench my diabolical thirst. I quenched it rather well, too. In the pub are a father and son, without a ticket but praying […]

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Numb. That’s the word. The ire subsided relatively quickly. This was always going to be a tough test, and Birmingham put up a much more spirited resistance than their neighbours could muster as O’Neill’s hoofers lay down and died at the bus stop in Fulham. The strange thing was for ninety-one minutes we appeared to […]

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I should be as happy as Larry, whoever he is. A tidy little tickle on the correct scorecast, supplemented by a frivolous fiver on Denilson to score first at 14/1, have raised the bank balance but not the mood. Arsenal’s 2-0 win put them top of the table, and the quality of their football was […]

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