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Archive for the 'match review' Category

So only five Premiership clubs booked their place in the fourth round draw on Saturday as a day of shocks unfolded. Five more had the opportunity to join them twenty-four hours later, and only Arsenal seized that opportunity with both hands. It was a strange afternoon for Arsenal at Burnley, and a lot of credit […]

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Thanks Dad

‘You’re coming to us for the new year, aren’t you dad?’ ‘Yes son. Do you know I still haven’t been to Ashburton Grove yet?’ So at ten yesterday morning the ‘holicmobile was pointed up the motorway, destination Cockfosters. I took Dad to his last game at Highbury in the farewell season by train, and the […]

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The opening month of the year saw Arsenal claim nine goals in consecutive visits to Anfield, and the final performance of a mixed twelve months produced a stunning four goal salvo on the other side of Stanley Park. In all honesty victory was not on the cards at half-time. For forty-five minutes Everton did what […]

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A mixed week I think you could describe that as. From a purely personal viewpoint I enjoyed a wonderful few days with a couple of the grandholics, and for the first time in years got to enjoy the wonder of a 6am start to Christmas morning! I hope the holiday season was good for you […]

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Bend It Like Saint Nick

It’s the season of goodwill to all men, so here goes… I hope the other eighteen Premiership managers were looking at the way Tottenham approached yesterday’s game at the Grove. How long has it been since Arsenal fans have been treated to a visiting team who came to play football, and not defend for ninety […]

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Read it and weep Mark Hughes. For the fourth time in five years the blend of squad players that turns out for Arsenal in the Carling Cup has reached the semi-finals. For all but the closing stages of the opening half the visitors completely outplayed the best that Blackburn had to offer. A delicious left-footer […]

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Apologies to anybody who visited earlier for a ‘holic-eyed view of yesterdays events. In all honesty I took the opportunity to celebrate our victory a little too enthusiastically! In fact the hours between me departing London last night and waking up this morning have been stolen by the time thief. A hard day at the […]

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It has been a frustrating few hours. Unable to attend the final Champions League group stage contest I was restricted to the ATVO coverage, and the utterances of my fellow unfortunates who filled the forums. I am at an age where confusion is usually self inflicted, yet what I have read has left me to […]

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‘Don’t write the game up now. Sleep on it.’ The advice is sound enough. At the final whistle I am a sea of contradictions. I feel rage at those who fill forums with their negativity, but I am thinking things that would enrage others. We have forgotten how to lose, so long has it been. […]

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A week ago a much weakened side went to Spain, took the lead with an impressive opening twenty-five minute spell, and then fell apart under pressure from spirited opponents. Never let it be said that these Gunners don’t learn from their experiences. Fast forward a week and there is more than a hint of Groundhog […]

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