A Night At The Emirates
Feb 14th, 2010 by 'holic
Big thanks to oldgooner for sending me the link to a short film by Rohan Blair-Mangat that gives an atmospheric and thoroughly enjoyable impression of last Wednesday’s match with Liverpool. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Obviously big thanks too are due to Rohan for permission to share his documentary. So grab a glass of something tasty, click on fullscreen, and enjoy a little treat.
Cheers, ‘holics.
65 Responses to “A Night At The Emirates”
VERY nice, ‘Holic. Thanks for sharing. There is nothing on this planet quite like being in the ground when the Gooners score.
By the way, I would hate you to think that I sit here at the screen, poised, just waiting for you to post something so that I can respond immediately.
I DO – but would just hate you to think I do (smile).
Her Nellieness called my attention to this one tonght. She’s off to cook the Valentine’s Day dinner*. So, “good on her” twice over.
* A quaint Scottish tradition, born of frugality.
B E A utiful.
That’s a thing of Beauty!!!
Really loved it.
the best lookin place in the uk thank you for sharing this
i had to wach this again Beauty at his best !!!!!!
That was awesome..was that a camera phone? if so wicked picture. cracked up at the supporter at the end..nice facials
Twas a fine evening. Especially with all the other results going our way.
Simply amazing! An artistic view to the beautiful game….
That….wow. That boy has a natural aptitude for film making. Wonderful.
terrific video…. really captures the ground
Ah, that was a thing of real beauty!
Fantastic video……. UP THE ARSENAL….
we have made history never forget our 49 unbeaten records yes its great to be a gunner
bye the way guys as a mad arsenal i have put a painting into the saatchi website competition could i ask for your vote here is the short cut it means a lot to me guys. cheers to you all
Big thank you
I loved it
The quality is too good to be a camera phone. Probably going to be a Canon 7D or something that shoots HD through a decent lens.
Is a really good piece, and we are all familiar with that piece of music…
Cheers Rohan (and by way of promotion, ‘holic).
Well done Ro!!! Ive watched this 10times this weekend and its better each time!
Rohan is a fantastic film maker and is talked of as being one of the UK film industries next big stars. Good job he’s a hard core gooner as I look forward to more films like this.
Told you ‘holic. Makes the hairs on the back of me neck stand up, does that.
gunner tell me why, with at least 30% of goals that are scored in the premiership coming from headers, why we have given the opposition such an advantage by signing and playing so many players who have no desire or know-how as regards heading a ball, and can we ever hope to achieve success as long as our opponents have such an advantage offensively and defensively
Fantastic film, very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing with us ‘Holic, and thanks of course to Rohan for creating a brilliant short film.
i cant boo him…LOL…class movie
very nice.
Good one Dubs 🙂
…and you were right old. Stunning short film. Deserves a wider audience.
Pretty subdued atmosphere. Probably due to the last two games. Both the players and fans. Sad to see that though. But the outer environment and filming was lovely.
Awsome video mate. Reminded me of nights at Highbury. Now you better beleive were gonna win the league
That was simply out of this world.
I’m so green with envy I wish I was rich enough to be a season ticket holder. I knew the stadium was really cool but this film simply just brought it out. Waow, good job!
So much for the myth that foreign gooners are fairweather fans.
AWESOME SHIT, nothing but. id love to visit their one day.
Hear, hear Sajit!
Great job on the film, Rohan. I watched in 720p on full screen. It was the best image quality I’ve ever seen on YouTube, and the subject matter was of the highest order.
Fever Pitch revisited! Well done.
beautiful…loved it..
Great stuff `holic if only I could get rid of those bloody rotating dots in the middle of the screen and get continuous sound.
hey…this a great video..well done Rohan..
a gunner from sri lanka is jealous of u guys in london..vl b dere soon to visit the emirates 2 watch my beloved gunners play…
go gunners..a gr8 film u hv made..i guess dz movie vl make da viewer feel what its like during match days…:)
A classic movie! I liked the most the athmosphere before the game. Verry well captured.
Sadly this vid brought more of a tear than it did a smile for me! It sucks being this far away!!
Still an awesome vid and i suppose it was made with those who cannot be there in mind, so thanks Ro….
What can I say, the sheer contetnt and quality of this little film just goes to show what Arsenal and us Gooners are all about. History is oozing from our club and I can tell there are great things yet to come. It just feels so bloody good to a Gooner, Ooohh Arsenal we love you!
Many thanks for sharing this one ‘Holic and a big thank YOU to all of those who made the film, keep it up great work.
I’ll have a tall latte barman please…Champions League week has just begun…..!!!
Just seen it on the iPhone and am willing this train to work (for once) so I can view it full screen. Even on the phone I love the editing. The little subtleties around the streets and ground. And the choice of music.
Thanks Rohan. Thanks ‘Hols.
Nice one.
Looks like I read my blogs in the wrong order today 😉
Coffee please.
Awesome and made me all a shiver 🙂
Really hope that I get to see a match at the Emirates some day
Am from Singapore and been a gunners fan for the past 22 years n this clip really affirm my love for Arsenal even more!!! Whats the title of the music in the background by the way?
lovely video, really awe inspiring.
Thank you for the great film! The street scenes and shots of faces prior the match were my favorites and I would love to see more by this guy!
What a bloody brilliant video………….
I was in the upper tier so great to see it from a different perspective. Same walk in as this guy took and its mad how all the signs he picked out are all the things your own eye picks out on the way in. First class, can some expense him for a few away trips!!!!!
Excellent video Rohan. Cheers ‘Holic for putting it up. Even though I’m still in high school, I’ve been a die hard gooner not missing a game in nearly four years, but have never experienced the Emirates yet. This video was a great treat, and I’ll be there in person in a few years to experience the real thing.
A great video and a timeless reminder of the why Arsenal are so well supported. Well done Rohan!
Loving this.
Well done to ‘Holic and Rohan.
See it three times now and still get goosebumps even though I know what’s coming a great film, respect to Rohan!!! onwards to Wednesday.
Joining the chorus: many thanks to Rohan and you `Holic for popularizing the video. It was really nice of Rohan to share that moment with all of us who can’t go the the Grove.
That was great Rohan, thanks.
Thanks to ‘holic as well for the link.
Thanks all. Check out the link to Rohan on YouTube, in the sidebar on my main page, and watch his other stuff. Seriously good to my untrained eye. Cheers.
‘Holic, thank you for sharing this wonderful view of the game experience. For those of us so far away, we only imagine the day that would let us be there. Read you all the time. Love to come meet you all at a game one day. Best to you.
That nearly made me want to leave sunny Brisbane and move to London!
A great little doco.
Great stuff, gave me a tingle I’ve not had since leaving London for Adelaide 5 years ago.
Fantastic video. Pure star quality enhanced by the appeal of the subject matter. Not a single bit of detail missed in and around the ground. First class!!
Totally unrelated: Marouane Fellaini has been injured exactly like RvP (after a bad Liverpool defender’s tackle) and will be sidelined for at least 6 months. Bad news for Everton who are hosting United this Saturday, let’s hope it won’t affect them too much…
Brilliant Blog ‘Holic.
Thought this would go nicely with Rohan’s quality effort above.
Please do not say this word, E*******. A night in Grove…
Dear Rohan,
Very nice film, which captures the atmosphere which the Big Boys with their 85 high def cameras somehow manage to totally miss.
And thanks ‘holic for posting it.
Better late than never.