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Archive for the 'match review' Category

Each season is a new relationship. This one could not have started much worse for Arsenal Football Club and their devoted, but opinionated, suitors. This one included. You question do you want to go on with it if we are going to have more of the same old, same old. Arsenal and suitors squared up. […]

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Sorry about that title. It had to be done. That was quite the evening, wasn’t it. I can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear so suffice it to say the game was largely painful viewing. That’s not intended harshly. Arsenal’s starting eleven was necessarily a mix of players who will only have […]

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If I have settled down to write a review twenty-seven hours after the event before then I don’t remember it. There is not much point in a conventional summary as you will probably have seen at least the highlights by now, and probably read a cross section of reports too. A diary entry is in […]

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We could not have made a better start to what is undoubtedly a very competitive group phase of the Champions League. Amazing to me was the surprise that greeted Marseille’s enthusiastic peformance in the opening hour. They are a good side who troubled us similarly a couple of years ago before we took the game […]

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As performances go, that will definitely be filed under mixed bag. Over the course of a season you will get games like that, but the astonishing difference in our attacking and defensive ‘efficiency’ (as Arsene likes to say) hints at a fair few twists and turns as we recover from our opening day defeat. The […]

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The early morning sunshine promised a warm glow for those traveling to take up position in and around the ground for the North London derby. In the pub of choice the company was great and the mood was good. Everybody asked the same question as they arrived. “What do you think today then?” The response […]

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As much as there is a danger of over-emphasising the victories against Fulham and Fenerbahce, there is equally a danger of shouting down praise for three good jobs very well done by a small group of players doing what we ask of them. Those who are unable to separate the desire to see this painfully […]

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What a difference a week makes. Arsenal swapped jeers for cheers with a very impressive performance in dreadful conditions at Craven Cottage. The key to it all was a midfield masterclass from Aaron Ramsey, Santi Cazorla, and Tomas Rosicky. By the time the latter gave way to Jack Wilshere with twenty minutes left we were […]

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After the difficulty of what tone to hit after Saturday it is a pleasure to have a much easier blog to write tonight. As stated in the preview, “we can still put out an eleven who could beat anybody on their day”. For that to remain the case we have to hope that rumours of […]

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A Huge Fortnight Ahead

Well, I have slept on it, and then some. I cannot get out of my head something that I heard on a Tuesday Club podcast about witnessing if not the end, then the beginning of the end for the manager. We are further down that road after this summer. Yesterday was the culmination of yet […]

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