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Archive for the 'match review' Category

The dropping of points by Manchester City, Chelsea, and Liverpool, yesterday gave Arsenal the opportunity to get right in the mix against a side that does not travel well. Courtesy of Setanta Canada I had a perfect stream to view. Technology is a wonderful thing. Perhaps the powers that be should make greater use of […]

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I got the impression prior to the game that some thought tonight would be a stroll in the park for Arsenal. Perhaps it is worth pointing out that before the match Villa’s points tally was closer to ours than ours was to Manchester City. I was not surprised to see them put up a pretty […]

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No need for the rending of garments or the gnashing of teeth. No need to lay all of the blame at the floor of our old mate, Phil Dowd. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. No credit would come from it. Instead I am inclined to speak of the emotions that were […]

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There is something about an anniversary. We look backwards, predominantly, and invariably that leads to teary moments. I don’t mind admitting to shedding the odd droplet at the unveiling of the new statues on Friday. Recorded somewhere on film are the tears I shared with Thierry Henry and a host of other observers when flesh […]

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It was a dead rubber, yes. For one side that may have been true, but going halfheartedly into a challenge with committed opponents can be a recipe for pain as well. The surrender of the three points will count for nothing in a day or two. The assessment of injuries to Fabianski and Santos may […]

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Fourmidable Gunners

What a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. A half-decent stream from Setanta Ireland provided a good view of a thoroughly professional performance. In a nutshell Wigan started in lively fashion, we worked just as hard, if not harder than the hosts, and once we scored a quick one-two around the half-hour mark we pushed on to complete […]

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Such a shame. As the big stars looked on the understudies were asked to produce a masterpiece of a show, and so very nearly did it. Make no mistake this was a professional performance, not a pantomime, but in the end the writer of the piece regretted producing his work with a blunt pencil. The […]

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Why I Love The Arsenal

This is going to be difficult. To avoid having to post in the early hours of the morning I have brought the hPad2 along so I can describe the events of the day on the journey home. You know this won’t be a conventional match report now, don’t you? This was one of those days […]

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“Just a couple of words about Fulham. Three to be precise. We were crap.” I wrote one of my shortest match summaries in November 2006 after a particularly poor performance saw us defeated 2-1 at Craven Cottage. Had I expanded on my feelings that night I would have gone to the place that every other […]

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This game was brought to you by the letter V, and the numbers one and two. Midway through a particularly busy Saturday a wonderful game of football broke out, and credit both sides for the attacking intent on display. A brief summary, because I’m sure the vast majority of you saw the game live, and […]

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