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Archive for the 'match review' Category

Well, first things first. Did Arsene want to win the FA Cup? The selection of Cesc Fabregas and Denilson in midfield, and the strength of the bench, said yes. The performance of some of the makeshift side said otherwise though, and it pains me to say that. I’ll hold up my hands and admit to […]

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Oh my, what an unbelievable game. I doubt anybody expected Bolton to roll over, and we weren’t wrong. In fact to give credit where credit is due, the Coyle effect was in evidence rather earlier than expected. Remember George Graham using nominally defensive formations to attack and surprise? I don’t know why we seemed unprepared […]

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Beast 0 Beauty 2

The Reebok has often been a difficult place for visitors, and this afternoon was no different. Lifted by the arrival of a new manager in the shape of Owen Coyle, Bolton started both halves brightly and produced the expected battle against a superior force. Not since Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovett has beauty been so […]

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I had implored the spirit of Marvin Gaye in the preview, ‘Let’s get it on’. By the end though the soundtrack had changed to something decidedly rocky. In the greater scheme of things we trail Chelsea by three points, and it could have been worse than that, but an opportunity went begging here, no doubt. […]

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Let’s be honest now. For three-quarters of this game we were wondering where the spark was coming from. It happens that way sometimes. The team was not entirely as expected beforehand. Arsenal showed some intent by keeping the central defensive partnership of Gallas and Vermaelen intact. That surprised me. As did the absence of Arshavin […]

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Well, I succeeded against the odds. Apart from catching sight of an early goalless scoreline when I went to settle the bill, I did otherwise manage a blackout on proceedings down on the south coast. A record-breaking two hour return journey meant I was watching the game ‘live’ just eighteen hours on. Having now witnessed […]

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“What’s that then, Sky Sports on the computer?” “No, Canal Plus, in French as well. Prepare to be entertained, the Arsenal are on.” The stepson’s brother-in-law is unfamiliar with the dark deed that is the internet stream, and asks if we can get the game from Hull at four. I have to say yes, although […]

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Sweet baby Jebus, my head hurts. Make it go away. People expect me to write about yesterday. What the hell can I remember? Just after two, arrive at the ground and buy the most expensive scarf on the planet and gloves for a mate on the Eurostar. Head for the pub. ‘Pint of Guinness please’. […]

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I would imagine that the opening forty-five minutes were a joy for the neutral to watch. Owen Coyle had said beforehand that his side would play football, and largely they did. Not that long ago the experts would have suggested they were committing suicide, and they seemed to do so after a bright opening in […]

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There are some funny things that happen during the course of a football season. It doesn’t matter which season. It was as true forty years ago as it is today. Now they can be funny good, or funny bad, because both always occur, but for them arrive in ninety remarkable minutes is rare, and makes […]

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