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Archive for the 'match review' Category

Mixed feelings abound. Regular readers of this blog and my tweets will know I have other things on my mind tonight. That doesn’t mean I am not feeling some of the things that lots of you are experiencing. The one pot I have never seen the club lift is gone for another year, possibly longer. […]

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Surely it was not lost on anybody on a day when two classless cretins dragged the great game through the mud that one of the few truly worthy of the tag ‘legend’ bowed out of the Premiership with a moment of perfectly timed drama. Thierry Henry, it is not only your temporary team-mates of the […]

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The forecast was grim, the travel plans uncertain, but I just knew it would be a good day when strolling into the pub door at ten on the dot. The ‘holics were first to arrive, and as Ollie has recorded elsewhere, the last to leave. In between was one of those days that goes some […]

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I need to write as the final whistle is blown. I need to write now because in twenty or thirty minutes I will write a different piece completely. I want to write while I can claim to understand what some people are unable to convey calmly or without abusing others. I need not to be […]

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Well, what a ninety minutes of cup football that was. Something for everyone, I think you would have to agree, from those who enjoy venting their spleen through every possible emotion through to those of unshaken faith. If you landed today from another planet, that is why football will always be the most popular show […]

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I haven’t had the benefit of watching any reruns, either of the game, or of the key incidents. I have walked in the door, just, and am trying to make sense of about as mixed a day as I have experienced at the Arsenal for a long, long time. It started well. I arrived early, […]

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In a week where I have written elsewhere about the Arsenal side of the sixties I am reminded once again that in life all things are cyclical. I am supporting that side once again. First things first. What a match that was. Hard, I realise for some to understand, so important it is that ill-considered […]

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You will be used to me doing unorthodox match reports. Well, they’re not reports are they. Call them impressions of what was going on around me if you will. Tonight left a very special impression on me, for more than one reason. It started, surprisingly given the delayed train from home, with an early drink […]

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Whatever anybody attempts to write in the aftermath of a match such as the one we have just witnessed at the Cottage is going to get a mixed reaction. I already know this one will because I have seen what others are venting online right now. The old saying, a game of two halves, was […]

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‘holic, why do you always try to write up the matches so quickly? Because at my age you tend to forget what happened, especially if New Years Eve occurs in between the final whistle and the first character I press on the keyboard. I see we beat Queens Park Rangers by the most memorable of […]

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